17. A FAMILY EPITAPH When they laid out Joseph in the ground of the Kangaroo Ground cemetery next to Ruth and David the epitaph penned two years later by his distant cousin Robert Louis Stevenson seems singularly appropriate:
‘Under the wide and starry sky Dig
the grave and let me die. Glad
did I live and gladly die, And
I laid me down with a will. This
be the verse you grave for me; Here
he lies where he longed to be; Home
is the sailor, home from sea, And the hunter home from the hill.’
Joseph in his will left his farm and vineyard at Bank Head to his eldest surviving son, Robert. By codicil Robert was to settle on each of his sisters Margaret and Ellen fifty pounds. To his wife’s namesake Ruth Sadler he entrusted his final life’s work – Kelvin Grove. By the time of Joseph's death in 1878 all of his children had died or were married and with the exception of Robert and Jane gone from Kangaroo Ground.