18. JOSEPH AND RUTH'S CHILDREN Jane born 1840 d. 1911 m James Mess 1863 They raised 9 children in Kangaroo Ground Isabella born 1842 d 1874 m Donald Grant 1863 They raised 5 children Margaret born 1843 d 1880 m Fred Hargreaves 1864 They raised 6 children Robert born 1845 d 1933 m Ellen Armstrong 1871 They
raised 9 children, including Johanna, who married George Love in 1905. Ruth born 1847 d 1918 m Thomas Sadler 1869 They raised 10 children Joseph born 1849 d 1914 m Emma Peers 1870 They raised 13 children of which 4 emigrated to NZ Ellen born 1850 d 1940 m William Little 1871 They raised 2 children. The Stevenson family estate of Bank Head stayed firmly in the grasp of Robert, who lived his entire 88 years at Kangaroo Ground. In a remarkable coincidence, his eldest son, David, repeated the tragedy of the earlier generation and was drowned in the dam at Bank Head in 1884. He was 2 years old.